Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Turtle Tuesdays: B sends flowers!

Meet B, the flower turtle. She apologizes for being bloggy absent last Tuesday. B made a special Turtle Tuesday video for you. In fact, she spent hours trying to get it on her B log. B is experiencing great opposition trying to say what she has to say in all kind of ways. It is keeping her grounded though....on her knees more. That's always a good thing!

B is seeing the benefits in this opposition. Normally she retreats from it. The Lord is stretching her right now. B is trying not to shrink back from all of this faith exercising. B knows that without faith it is impossible to please God.

How is God working in your life? Have you faced opposition lately? How did you handle it? Please share if you have time. I will b away this week again. I hope to connect and share more with you soon.

B His Girl

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Turtle Tuesdays: Getting Your Groove Back

Have you ever felt 'out of sorts'?

Most of us have been there at some point in our life. B'ing 'out of sorts' is the place where you are not acting like your 'normal' self. If we linger there, people close to us usually notice, asking questions like, "What's wrong? Are you okay?" We often dodge answering those questions because sometimes there is no clear cut answers. We have lost our groove and we never saw it coming. That's a picture of this turtle today.

Meet B, the bloggy quiet turtle. She's off today, definitely out of sorts in her Turtle Tuesday post. Mayb that's a good thing though. B'ing groove less has led B to seek MORE. The Lord knows what's up with B, the turtle and you. If you have lost your groove thing too consider the possibility this is an unexpected blessing.

Mayb losing our groove pushes us closer to walking in His groove for our life.

B His Girl