Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Turtle Tuesdays: Just One

God gave B, the checkbook turtle ONE word for today:


but she keeps trying to add to it.

B His Girl

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Turtle Tuesday: Are you from Sirius?

If you think B, the turtle is clowning around on Turtle Tuesday, keep reading. Things are not always as they appear. Today B shares part of a funny story God used to speak to her. Actually it wasn't funny at the time. It was serious. Very serious.

B was working in the world when she made a stop at a stranger's house. She noticed the older man with the Einstein like gray hair sitting outside in his lawn chair immediately. At first glance, she thought he was taking a nap. The moment her foot touched his driveway, his eyes popped open . B only needed to ask him a question and she would b on her way. This man clearly had other ideas. He wanted to talk to B more. She was trying to be nice but she felt uncomfortable as he rose from his chair. He began walking toward her as he gazed into her eyes. He was invading her comfort zone big time! The man told B he had been time traveling. ( Yes, he said time traveling. )B didn't know how to respond to his comment but she was getting a clearer picture of the situation she had walked upon. With her hair sticking straight up on her neck, just like it did when she saw Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs, B wanted to hide! The man said "Can I ask you a question?" B nodded her head as she kept backing up trying to keep some distance between them. "Are you from Sirius?" he asked . B's voice shook as she answered "No". Then he began talking about B's white, snake like teeth. He knew she must be from Sirius. B freaked out. She bolted from his driveway and recovered from her 'encounter' in her locked car.

This man had some mental issues B was not prepared to handle. She was thankful it all ended well and prayed for him. His intention was not to harm B. After the initial scare, she began to see the humor in it. She does have a couple of sharp pointed teeth. (B looking for them in an upcoming video: ) To add to his case about her b'ing from Sirius... her name means 'alien'. There is also a star called Sirius B. And to take this thought further, this turtle is also called to let her light shine before men. Mayb he could see more than she realized. Hmmm. Mayb he wasn't as off the mark as she thought.

B was sharing her 'from Sirius' story with a friend. It is funny now, but a strange thing happened one day while B was pondering this story. God invaded B's space. He came close to her and whispered, "Are you from serious B?" B immediately knew what the Lord was asking her. You see, B, the turtle, is called to be 'out there' shinning her light in a dark world. The only way she can B what she is called to b is to focus. She needs to draw closer to Jesus and fix her gaze on Him. The Lord is serious about His call on her life. She can't run away and lock herself in her shell. She has prayed about what God wants her to do.

B answered, " I'm from serious Lord." B, the turtle girl, is serious.

Today, the Lord wants you to ponder this question in His call to follow Him.

Are you from serious too?

B His Girl

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Turtle Tuesdays: A New Thing

Have you ever felt bored with things that once excited you? Tired of the same ole' thing...B is there NOW!

Meet B, the 'in a rut' turtle. B confessed on the B log a few weeks ago she lost her groove thing. She tried to shake it but her old groove is not working anymore. B has been pondering and praying about this for most of the summer. Now she wonders if this is part of a Master plan to move a turtle like B to a new place. A new thing. Sometimes you have to throw off some things, even good things to go to the place you have been called.

Mayb the Lord wanted to let B's groove thing start feeling like a rut.

Whatever the Lord is doing, it's working. B is shifting her position. She is throwing off some old stuff. There is 'Something New' coming. God stirred her heart Sunday in a big way! B told someone this yesterday and they got the shivers! God Bumps! In fact, B shared this today because she thinks she is not traveling alone in her rut. Mayb you have been walking in the same pattern as B. Nobody else may see your ruts, but you know inside you have settled for less when you have been called to MORE. I know I keep saying MORE. Those are the words I keep hearing. MORE, MORE, MORE!
B's prayer:
Lord, please don't let us settle in comfortable places, travel familiar roads. We have not been called to run in a 'rut race.' You are moving in an incredible way all around us. Help us not get stuck in our successes or our failures. We want to b stuck on you and you alone. Let us hear your words to us today.

Isa 43:19 Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new.It's bursting out! Don't you see it?There it is! I'm making a road through the desert,rivers in the badlands. (from THE MESSAGE)

B His Girl

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Turtle Tuesdays: The Dog Days

Has Turtle Tuesdays gone to the dogs? Officially yes. We are in 'the dog days of summer' but B, the iron turtle prays it ain't so, at least on the inside: )

Did you know that 'dog days' can refer to a period that is stagnant, dull and not one of marked progress?
It may b the 'dog days' of summer outside but it doesn't have to b like that inside your shell.

So what's a turtle to do if she or he finds himself in the 'dog days' spiritually? B, the iron turtle, has some wisdom from the Proverbs to pass on to you.

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Prov

Are you content in your walk with the Lord or do you long for MORE? B wants MORE. If you want to b a sharp instrument in the Lord's hands your diet must include iron. Don't skip the essentials.

B His Girl