This is not a fish tale you are about to hear. It is a true turtle story. (The only stretching you will see is with this turtle's neck!) He who has ears, let him hear!
Monday afternoon, I went outside with my camera to photograph a ceramic turtle for today. Turtle Tuesdays is when I feature one of my special turtles and their story. I know it is silly, but I feel led to share my turtle collection with you. My Springer Spaniel, Bandit, was already outside. He had found a REAL turtle. He held it in his mouth for a moment, then dropped it. Bandit was scared of the little turtle. Some watchdog huh!
That was the moment I met B, the Real Turtle with a Word.
Wow, I thought. God sent me a turtle for my (b)log. Thanks, Lord. What great timing He had! (I knew He was reading my blog. : )
I placed B in the garden for a photo shoot. After her encounter with Bandit, she had withdrawn into her shell. I waited for her to stick her neck out. My eyes and camera were focused on her.
I waited and I waited and I waited. She just sat there. There were no signs of movement.
How long was B going to keep me waiting????
Then it hit me. Oh my goodness! God was talking to me. I was B, the turtle with my head in my shell again!
God is waiting on me...."B" His Girl, to stick my neck out in obedience. It's my turn! He has asked me to do something and I have not moved in it. That's all I can say about that for now, but B's Turtle Tuesday word is not just for me. You were sent here to read this.
Is He waiting on you too?
The Word says, "But my righteous one shall live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.
"B" His Girl