Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Turtle Tuesday: Words of Wisdom

Welcome to Turtle Tuesdays. Each week, I feature a turtle from my collection and share her story. Sometimes we stay on the surface of the water; other times we go deeper. I totally have fun with this! I hope you do too.

Meet B, the hanging turtle . I know she's not a wise owl but she has learn a few things over the years. Sometimes she can't resist chiming in with bits of wisdom. Those kind of things just come to B when she hangs out on the vine. Today she shares a proverb with you. A proverb is a short sentence that conveys a moral truth.

A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge,but the simple keep going and suffer for it. Prov 22:3

The message says it like this.

A prudent person sees trouble coming and ducks;a simpleton walks in blindly and is clobbered.
The Lord spoke this verse to B last year. She was listening to a well known communicator to hear their style of communication, not their message. LOL ! The Lord had another plan for B. He had a word for her. That's His style. This proverb was for B. It hit her right between the eyes and made her drop to her knees. B got her head out of the sand and took action. A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. This word is gold for someone today.
B His Girl


  1. I often feel that messages like this are meant for me. I hear songs or speaches and the messages just fit my life. I listen.

  2. Great post - it's always a blessing to drop in here.


  3. We've all had those a-ha moments! Thanks for sharing yours.

    Thank you also for praying for me and being a friend. I appreciate it!

  4. B, I love the book of Proverbs and appreciate this word of wisdom for today. I'm always grateful when God gets through to me...however He chooses to do it.

    Have a blessed week.

  5. This Proverb verse is exactly why I've been nestled down in the shadow of God's wings for the last few days!

    Love you sister!

    Choosing JOY,
    [Kneeling in Prayer]

  6. Hmm...I think you wrote this just for ME. I needed the Proverb you shared also. I'm going to go outline it in my Bible right now and meditate on it.

    Love you.

  7. I like this turtle:)

    I am beginning to explore the "upgrade" word you gave me last week. It requires me being DDO (Disciplined, Deliberate, and Organized). Ugh! Part of it has to do with my artwork. God has opened some doors in my life, and He has asked me to do the work of walking THROUGH them, instead of just standing here, watching them remain open. I need to upgrade my thoughts concerning myself and the talent God has given me, and drop the poverty mentality that I've always lived by (My work is not good enough, blah, blah, blah).

    Just wanted to let you know. Thanks for being a blessing:)


  8. Great post...thanks for your words. hope you will stop by my blog and meet baby Jack.

  9. Can't b lieve I missed a turtle Tuesday. Gotta love those Proverbs...they tend to hit us like that, huh?
