Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Turtle Tuesdays: Closed

Sorry to post so late. Turtle Tuesday is officially closed today. B just peeked in to let you know she's on vacation and it is her B day! Really. Hope all of you are doing well. I will b back soon!

Blessings ,
B His Girl


  1. Happy B-day!! I hope it fantastic!
    What a cute little turtle you have there. I used to have one just like her. :)

  2. Blessings to you on your birthday B!!!

    I just celebrated my birthday on Monday and Audra just turned 16 - what a wonderfully fun month!

  3. Now I know why - for years - I've been writing B-day for someone's B-day on my calendars. It's so that when I met you - it would all connect!!

    So hope it is a VERY HAPPY B-DAY for you, dear B!

    Love you......Stephanie

  4. You cute thang - Happy Birthday B!
    Keep us posted soon. Praying you have an awesome year ahead. Blessings friend.

  5. Happy B-lated B-day B. I hope you had a B-eautiful day filled with B-lessings. B back soon.

  6. Happy b day to a precious girl. God is well pleased with his design. You. I cannot wait to meet you and so many others in October. You are a gift to
    many. Love your heart.

    Tea with tiffany

  7. Happy birthday... Looking forward to meeting you at the bloggers retreat. Hugs Lynn

  8. B, thanks so much for popping over to my blog and sharing the info on Shout to the Lord. Amazing! I love meeting new folks online. Please feel free to visit anytime. God bless you in your ministry!

  9. HAPPY BLESSED BELATED BIRTHDAY dear one!!! Love you.
